Saturday, August 9, 2014

The sparkles are coming...

If anyone is wondering why Fangtastic Films hasn't had a review in a while, that would be because I just finished a 1500 mile move from sunny Arizona to the much more vampire-friendly Washington state. It's been a lot of work and boxes are still being unpacked, but I thought I would take a moment to tell you all that a series of reviews are in the works. Namely, reviews of a film series, based on a book series, that is about a protagonist who meets vampires after moving from Phoenix, Arizona to Washington State.

Yes, I've referenced it and teased it before. And I've watched bad teen monster movie after bad teen monster movie, so I feel I'm a bit inoculated. Well... maybe. But either way, it's coming: The Ultimate Twilight Movie Rundown.

Yet another vampire Mean Girls reference... God help me.

Full disclosure, I've never read the Twilight novels. However, I know what I would consider "far too much" about them and have a sense of each book's plot because I work with teenagers and I feel it's important to know these things. Like being able to joke about Katy Perry lyrics. It's a bit of a curse.

So stay tuned, dust off your "Team Edward" and "Team Jacob" flags, and wish me luck. I think I'm going to need it.

~ LK

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